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Many thanks

Dear Dart Worlds sailors ,


Almost a month ago the Worlds still had to start , now it's over ... I think we all had a very nice time , and therefore we would like to thank you for your presence , sportivity and friendship ...many thanks .

The whole crew is already busy with other activities but the spirit of the worlds will stay a long time among us , the Royal Belgian Sailing Club is proud to put our club on the world map .

Meanwhile the movie of the worlds is online , enjoy !!!!

Also we would like to ask if anyone has a good picture of the whole crew we took on friday evening , ours are a little bit flew and maybe someone of you can send us a good one , it can be send to

We wish you all a lot of sailing fun in the future and maybe we can wellcome you to our nationals next year .

Or see you all in Italy ....

Best regards ,

Team Delphis Dart Worlds 2011 , signing off....

Royal Belgian Sailing Club
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