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It's about that time... 2 days to go...
Sailing Instructions & Courses now online

 The sailing Instructions, Courses & Waypoints are now online!

Haven't registered yet? Here's your chance

For those who stay @ home we also have some good news. Everyone will be able to follow the race via Tracking online, aswell as in our clubhouse Alberta on big screen.

Diner on Saturday evening in our clubhouse Alberta

A lot of the competitors already made reservation for the "Light Vessel Race Menu", but there is always room for more:

* Noordzee Bordje
* Boeuf du baron
* Dessertbuffet
Price: 30€ (drinks not included)

Because there will be a deference in time of arrival between the different boats, the Alberta will be serving this Menu all evening long. No matter when you arrive.

Also want to join us on Saturday evening? Reservation is necessary and can be done via

Great Circle GRIB files: -50% for all LVR participants!

 Great Circle offers all Genisol Light Vessel Race Competitors a 50% discount.

Check this link for more info.

Royal Belgian Sailing Club
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