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Sailing Instructions are online!

Dear Sailors,

It's about that time.... in 4 days the LASER MASTER EUROPEANS 2014 are a fact!
We hope you will all have a great time at our club and a good sailing week!

The Sailing Instructions are now also online.  Please print them out, because at the registration we will not have any copies.

We are also looking for 1 representative from each country. May we kindly ask that he or she reports to the regatta office the first weekend? 

For the sailors that are coming by camper:  The parking places will be available from Friday 27/6 14:00hrs. Every camper should place a "RBSC LASER EUROPEANS" card in front of his window. You can pick them up at the regatta office. Note: There is no electricity or water facilities at our foreseen parking places! Paid parking is also in force at the camper places from 11am to 7pm. The parking rate is € 2/hour for the first five hours, or € 15 for a day ticket.

Feel free to contact us if you have any other questions or need information,

See you soon!

Royal Belgian Sailing Club
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